A ‘Iyo-education’ class in the theme of “The mystery of cells”
○date Wednesday, June 17, 2015 13:30 ~ 15:10
○location Ehime University High-school, Multipurpose study room
○participants 10th graders
○lecturer Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University Professor Yoshimi Kakinuma
Comments from students: F
There were many things that I didn’t know about cells, and especially vacuoles. I learned that most of the pulp in citrus fruit is vacuoles. I found out that vacuoles play an important role than I imagined. I want to look into plasmolysis because I’ve got a new question about it.
Comments from students: S
I could deepen my knowledge towards cells and have learned a lot of new things about it, too. I was really surprised about the role of vacuoles. I learned for the first time that vacuoles can accumulate organic acid, glucose, pigmentation and more. Just like the teacher said I want to spend my three years of high-school life being curious and studious about everything and keep in mind to be addicted in my study.