The presentation in ‘Iyo-education’ class: “Basic scientific experiments” was held
○date Monday, July 27, 2015
○location Ehime University Faculty of Engineering main conference room, Ehime University Media Center media hall
○participants 10th graders
date experiment contents location
1st group 2ed group
Thursday, July 18 10:45 ~ 11:30 guidance in preparation • guidance, overview • safety training Ehime University High-school, Multipurpose study room
Tuesday, July 21 9:00 ~ 16:00 basic scientific experiments / (Local industries) Experiment Training Center, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Wednesday, July 22 9:00 ~ 16:00 preparation for presentation / basic scientific experiments Experiment Training Center, Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University
Thursday, July 23 9:00 ~ 16:00 (Local industries) / preparation for presentation Ehime University High-shcool, information seminar room
Friday, July 24 9:00 ~ 16:00 preparation for presentation • rehearsal, paper making Ehime University High-shcool, information seminar room
Monday, July 27 9:00 ~12:00 presentation Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University .Ehime University Media hall
We had a presentation on “Basic scientific experiments” which was held at the Faculty of Engineering, Ehime University. The students informed the audience about their experiment contents and what they have learned from it, without relying on their presentation papers. There were also active moments during question and answer session.