“Itsuki Natsui’s gathering of haiku poets LIVE” was held
○date Thursday, January 21, 2016 13:30 ~ 16:05
○location Ehime University, Faculty of Agriculture auditorum
○participants 10th and 11th graders
○lecturer Ms. Itsuki Natsui, Mr. Changhee Kim, newscaster Kazuko Hirano, and others
We welcomed the famous haiku poet and an essayist, Ms. Itsuki Natsui as our lecturer and held a haiku poets gathering, live with our 240 students (10th and 11th graders). After learning the basics of haiku poet making, students and teachers made a movie haiku together in 5 minutes using 15 seconds movie. The live event was filled with applause and laughter and the students were impressed and sympathized in Ms. Natsui’s advises.
Superior works rewarded with drawings by Mr. Kim are the following.
11th grade Mamiko Kawamoto 桃の花ぼんやり変わるリトマス紙
HR teacher of 2-1 Koki Uwatoko 灯の揺らめく奥に春の波
This event will be broadcasted on NHK General, “Ohiru no tamago“, Tuesday February 16, at 11:40~.