‘Iyo-education’ class: Ehime’s nature and environment ②

A lecture on biodiversity was held


○date                             Monday, June 8, 2015  14:25 ~ 16:05

○location                        Ehime University High-school, Multipurpose study room

○participants                  10th graders

○lecturer title                  “Biodiversity” ~What supports life and living~

○lecturer                        Ehime University South Ehime Fisheries Research Center (SEFREC) Associate professor Motohiro Takagi


We’ve learned that biodiversity benefits our lives in many ways. He gave us explanations using specific examples like the reduction of CO2, which is the base for forming any life, cooking, which is the root of culture, ingredients, biotechnology, technology development hints, rich woods which is the base of our security and safety and safe water. But now, because we’re losing the balance of the ecosystem, the base of human survival is falling apart, too without us noticing. Solving this problem isn’t easy because there are parts that are not clear to us yet and there are things that take time before showing their effect. For this reason, we had a group discussion with the theme of “What can each of us do to protect biodiversity?” in order to find a key to solving this problem.


Comments from students: I

The theme of our group discussion was “What can each of us do to protect biodiversity?”. It was a very difficult theme to work on, and we could only get to an ambiguous answer. I think that is because I haven’t been thinking about this regularly. I think by taking this fact more personally and by thinking more seriously about the future of animals and plants we can make our lives a stable one. I think that little caring of each of us will lead to a worldwide effect. Hence we should act before bad effects start to kick in, and I want to be the one to start this because we are the ones who are going to bear the coming age.



Comments from students: K

Listening to today’s lecture, I rethought that we have to think more carefully about nature. I realized that we are sometimes intentionally trying to destroy nature, or destroying nature without us actually realizing it. I glad that we could talk to teach other in our group about what we can do now and what we have to do. I learned about what nature brings to us and what we bring to nature. By hearing that there are animals that are at the risk of extinction because of the decrease of Japan’s wild animals, I thought that it is important to think of a way to contact nature and keeping the balance.



Comments from students: K

By listening to today’ s lecture about biodiversity, I’ve once again realized that we are very much helped by living things and we are living by supporting each other. I’ve never heard the word biomimicry before, but I was surprised that the features of living things are utilized in many things that exist in this world. When there are animals that ‘extinct’ or about to extinct, I didn’t think about it personally. Now I realized that it is an important thing that relates to world’s environment.



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