American foreign students of Ehime University arrived to undertake a cultural exchange.
○date Wednesday, May 25th, 2016 13:00~16:00
○place Ehime University Senior High School, Lecture hall, Calligraphy room
○participants The enrolled students of English Practice Class, members of English club, applicants
Twenty-two American foreign students of Ehime University, two leaders
○schedule 13:10 foreign students come to Ehime University Senior High School
13:10~13:35 Ice-breaker Activity
13:35~14:15 School Guide Tour
14:15~15:00 Discussion
15:00~16:00 Calligraphy experience
Twenty-two American foreign students of Ehime University came to Ehime University Senior High School and held a cultural exchange with seventy-nine students of our school. After the Ice-breaker Activity, students made several groups, and conducted a “school guide tour” in English. Then they had a group discussion together.
It was the first experience for foreign students to practice calligraphy. After a demonstration was done by our Calligraphy Club students, they practiced the kanji “愛“”道“”太陽“on Hanshi(Japanese writing paper), and then wrote their favorite kanji on Japanese Sensu(folding fan) and Uchiwa(round fan). The students were able to build up a good relationship through everyday learning, and had a satisfying time